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Do you remember when you were a kid, and you were relatively happy? You wondered what your parents had to be upset about. You didn’t comprehend the bills, or that they had been stung, lost the job or were lied on. Now you have 40 years of growth under your belt, and you get it. And now your kids are thinking those things about you.

The Sting Of Resentment That Roots In Our Life

Jesus cursed the Sycamine, a tree that was not producing fruit. This tree was deeply rooted, its creation began from the stinger of a wasp, and the wood was favored for caskets. In fact, Sycamine wood has been found in Egyptian catacombs uncorrupted for thousands of years. When we allow resentment to take root and to pass from generation to generation the Sycamine becomes our family tree.

Dealing With The Root

The dead dry places of our life contain a Sycamine tree and deep at those roots is unforgiveness. We have forgotten that God forgave us first. So we allow the stinger that someone stung us with (or the stinger that stung someone we love) to cause deep roots to grow. Sometimes we allow the roots to grow so deep that they last a lifetime and in essence, we grow our own casket.

Following The Manufacturer’s Instructions

God wants us to forgive that person or situation because we don’t function well when we hate people. Our manufacturer’s book says so. Life is too short for us to go around mad and cynical all the time. God is your Father. He’s never going to leave or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). He wants you to stop counting all the wrongs (Matthew 18:21-22). Forgive them, let it go and stop building your casket.

I Encourage You To Repeat After Me

Dear Heavenly Father, I ask you to help me to forgive them. I NEED to forgive them. I’m GOING TO forgive them. God help me realize that I’ve been forgiven and that I’ve been forgiven A LOT. And that means I have a lot of forgiveness to give. So I let them go as an act of my will, I forgive everyone. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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