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When we pay with cash, we give God a vote on what we do. Many projects are done by the will of man instead of the will of God. We run right out and get a loan from the bank. The bank isn’t going to tell you that the Holy Spirit has some misgivings about this project. The bank is only interested in your good credit rating.

Cash Gives Clarity Of Vision

When we pray and seek God and save up for a project, then less of our flesh is involved when it comes time to pull the trigger. Sometimes when we look at a pile of cash that we have saved up all of a sudden we get clarity of vision. We realize that we can use that money for something like paying off current debt.

Credit Makes Wrong Decisions Easier

When we live in such a way that we listen to God instead of obligating ourselves to loans, we are less likely to make a wrong decision. And we are more likely to be increased supernaturally by God. Where God guides, God provides.

Credit Makes It Easier To Get Ahead Of God

Have you ever gotten a loan from the bank and taken off with your ideas and vision? I have gotten ahead of God at times in my life. He has given me the desire to do something, then I pulled the trigger and borrowed money. When we borrow money, we become a slave to the lender and are no longer positioned to do the exciting things God is telling us to do. We get disappointed, bored and start making dumb decisions.

Be Encouraged!

Lord, I decree and declare that each person reading this will bring their financial decisions to you. They will stop using credit and begin using cash. This will make it more difficult for the flesh to guide and will make it easier for each of my friends to hear you more clearly. Amen!
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths (Proverbs 3:6).

David Crank

Author David Crank

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