I saw a guy outside of a store begging for money one day, so I gave him $20. Someone nearby chastised me for doing so. You never know what has happened to cause someone to be in the position they are in. Judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1)….
I saw a guy outside of a store begging for money one day, so I gave him $20. Someone nearby chastised me for doing so. You never know what has happened to cause someone to be in the position they are in. Judge not lest ye be judged (Matthew 7:1)….
When I first began preaching, I was freaked out. It was overwhelming. I was used to being the second guy, the behind-the-scenes guy, helping someone else to shine. Being thrown onto center stage made me question a lot about myself! Do You Let Your Mistakes Hold You Back? Have you…
Your life is your responsibility and your palette on which to paint the grandest of dreams and goals. If you take on too much or have unbalanced priorities you might just end up with a canvas that is so cluttered that the overall purpose is unclear to ANY observer and…
Everything you’ve done up to this point, has been practice for your God given moment. God Has Us In School King David is one of the central themes I like to follow. Think about all of the practice that went on behind the trees, in the caves and in the…
Do you ever feel like life is pushing you around? Does it seem like things just keep happening and you have no control? Does it feel like life has the steering wheel and you’re just along for the ride? Well, I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to…
I’ve been practicing a new technique it’s called “thinking before I speak”. It might sound funny but often times I don’t think before I speak. I just start to talk and then think, “What was I thinking!!!” Proverbs 16:23 says, “The Heart Of The Wise Teaches His Mouth And Adds…
If you wait until you are 100% sure that every question has been answered before you move, then you will never do anything great. You see, you will never be more than 80% sure and this approach will send you down the road we often call “paralysis by analysis”. David…
Do you ever feel like sometimes you HAVE to defend yourself because something is said about you that’s just not true? People who were once with you, may turn against you and now you feel like you’re defending yourself when you’ve done nothing wrong! This is a TRAP that young leaders make, by…
I’ve talked about judging this week because it’s something that is common in our society, yet it is better left to God (Matthew 7:1). You see, what we sometimes forget is that God is not pointing his finger at us, but he is using it to draw us to him…
Knowing Jesus creates an enthusiasm that makes us want to side with him. We need to side with his word. Paul wrote 2/3 of the New Testament. He said follow me as I follow Christ. You will know them by their well-spent life. You will know the by their fruit….
The Bible reads that we will know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:16). The Bible also reads to judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. And why…
Every time God is getting ready to position you for the next level all hell will break loose around you – – THIS IS A FACT. Over the years, I have learned to expect some trouble right before the triumph. One of the ways that I know that God is working is when the enemy…