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Knowing Jesus creates an enthusiasm that makes us want to side with him. We need to side with his word. Paul wrote 2/3 of the New Testament. He said follow me as I follow Christ. You will know them by their well-spent life. You will know the by their fruit. Stick with it.

A Good Tree Cannot Produce Evil Fruit

In heaven it is not based on what the world says but what Jesus says. If we only go to church every third or fourth Sunday and pick up a bulletin as a receipt, we will continue not to understand what it means to be saved. Understand what you believe so that when you are asked you have an answer for the hope you have and can do so with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

The Bible Sets Our Standards

You will know them by their fruit. People have made statements about mega pastors in America. My first question would be who told you that and what is their fruit? People judge Joyce Meyer for the material things she has. Yet fail to see she is feeding kids in orphanages around the world. Joel Osteen has a similar set of fruit. And if you knew him, you’d like him.

Inspect The Fruit

The enemy wants us offended so that we stray away from the church that we’re planted in. Some folks will put more weight on the words of someone they’ve known less than a year who has no track record versus the pastor with the fruit. When you hear someone make a comment about someone else, is the originator of that comment someone who is bitter, do they create strife? Consider these things.

When we judge another, we do not judge them, but we define ourselves. ~ Wayne Dwyer

Let’s move forward, stop judging, and stop hanging with judgmental people. Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future. Remember, it’s not about religion, it’s about relationship. Let’s love more and judge less.

I call you blessed. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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