Growing up, I always thought our next door neighbors were RICH because they had an old rusty galvanized POOL. This pool had HOLES all over it, stuffed with pieces of old towels to keep the water from leaking out. One summer, my cousin was staying with us. He was “big-boned…
One evening, Nicole, Ashtyn, and I went out for dinner. Nicole was still on her phone finishing up some church business. But, she was looking particularly BEAUTIFUL! When our waiter came over, this cat was straight up CHECKING OUT MY WIFE! He wasn’t paying ANY attention to me when I…
I have a confession… I LOVE shopping! It’s my prayer language! (Shop-a-lot, shop-a-lot…Can I get an Amen?) Last summer, when we were on vacation in Italy, I was excited because I bought two really COOL pairs of black shoes! The next morning, we got dressed for our outing. It was…
The other morning, I admit, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed! I just knew immediately that I was MAD! I couldn’t wait for Nicole to get up so that I’d have somebody to be mad AT. I could hear the Holy Spirit inside my heart speaking…
When my daughter, Ashtyn, was 12 years old, I guess she was a lot like other girls her age. She had trouble keeping her room clean. It would get SO messy! WORSE than what you’re thinking, right now. I mean, like a BOMB went off! One day, I walked through…
One Tuesday night after church, Nicole and I went shopping. Ain’t NOBODY worried about their image in Walmart! Socks were up, shorts were down, scratching, eating Doritos…and everybody’s looking sideways at US because we’ve still got our church clothes on! One girl got in line behind us at the cash…
My wife, Nicole, is really smart! She has so many degrees we could call her Dr. Fahrenheit. She’s AWESOME! On the other hand, I have a different educational background. I was homeschooled. I’m more intuitive. I just KNOW where we need to be or what we need to do. Nicole…
When my son, Austin, was 14 years old, he had a friend who was SPOILED out of his mind! This kid had taken his own parents to court when he didn’t get his way. Austin came home expecting to get the same benefits as that kid. (He THOUGHT!) He told…
One night, we went out to eat with a friend in Palm Beach. He told me that, recently, someone had broken into his house and stolen a VERY EXPENSIVE ring! He asked his wife if she wanted to replace it and she said, “no”. She really didn’t feel like she…
The other day, Nicole and I had a little spat: sort of, an intense time of fellowship. She was wrong about something… I don’t remember what. (I’m telling this. lol) I was fed up, aggravated, mad, griping about… WHATEVER. I honestly don’t remember. I’d tell you if I knew. It…
When I first met Nicole, the woman who would become my wife and co-pastor the church, it took some WORK just to get her to call me back! She would just look at me like, “What is it?” She, obviously, didn’t recognize me for what I would become in her…
A while back, I was flying home with my little dog, Luppy. She was resting comfortably at my feet in her carrier that has mesh sides for air. I was just chilling out and listening to music on my earphones. All of a sudden, there was a terrible commotion going…