When we filmed “Reel It In”, I knew that I had hired the right guys, the right boat, had the right bait, and the right day. Sure I’m an optimist and I walk in faith. When I got on that boat, I said, “God, I’m here to preach today, let…
When we filmed “Reel It In”, I knew that I had hired the right guys, the right boat, had the right bait, and the right day. Sure I’m an optimist and I walk in faith. When I got on that boat, I said, “God, I’m here to preach today, let…
God Spoke. Peter Obeyed. Even When It Made No Sense Some of the most successful people came from meager beginnings. They took a risk and approached the task, developed the product, or created a service in a way that others simply weren’t doing it. Jesus did it differently every time…
As a professional, how do you feel about receiving advice from a layperson? How about from God? A group of professional fishermen had been out fishing all day with nothing to show for it. Jesus suggested that they go back out and try again. These were professionals receiving advice from…
Those who fish from onshore can be limited by the length of their line and the type of fish that are drawn to shallow waters. The ones who leave the shore and go out into the deep have their opportunity extended by the travel of the boat and the depth…
Have you been pigeon-holed into where you are and it’s not where you want to be? I believe many people have fallen into this trap. It’s easy to just go with the flow, to give in to the pressure from parents, or peers or just indecision. Sometimes we are where…
Wearing something uncomfortable is a miserable feeling. Have you ever worn an outfit or a pair of shoes that just don’t fit, right? Well, I have. My Dad bought me this custom-made coat once that just wasn’t my style and didn’t “fit” me. When my Dad gave it to me,…
What Does It Mean To Receive Grace From God? Do you know about grace? Do you understand it? If you don’t, then you can’t enjoy benefits that you don’t even realize that you have, so keep reading and see what you think. The 650 Horsepower Mustang After a church service,…
Do you ever do something wrong and think, “Uh, I better not tell God about it.” You may not do that, but I do. Let me share several examples of what this conversation with God sounds like. Conversation #1: Our Shame Us: “Hey, God. Thursday, I don’t know how to…
God loves us. But the enemy and the inner-me try to talk us out of it by reminding us of how messed up we are and how many mistakes we’ve made. We look at our areas of opportunity and say, “You know what? God’s going to have to use another…
The past few blogs we’ve been talking about understanding our spouses history, identifying the problem instead of focusing on the symptoms, and how to be part of the solution instead of creating more division. Today we’re talking about guys and how we are made in the image of our Creator,…
If you want to get your wife naked, you’ll want to read this blog. Before you get offended, remember it did start in the garden with Adam and Eve in their birthday suits and THAT was a woman who was glad to be in the light AND naked at the…
God doesn’t want 50% of all marriages to end in divorce. God knows that if we are happy at home, we won’t be running around unfulfilled and won’t be as apt to do stupid stuff. Some of you are thinking, “Oh Man, I’ve been a bad spouse. Can I ever…