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We know God wants good things for us, yet it often surprises us when he lays down blessings in our life. How often do we get blessed just by being in the proximity of others? Blessing by proximity regularly happens. Have you ever been with someone who gets a free meal or free drinks because they know the restaurant owner or because the owner knows them and wants to bless them? How about a husband who has abundant opportunities and success because he has a praying and tithing wife? And then there is just being close to God, and him blessing you with green lights all the way to work. God wants to bless us, but our imagination has to be prepared to receive.

Working With What We Have, Where We Are, Right Now

In Genesis 30:26-30, Jacob became so anointed and valuable that Laban prospered just because of Jacobs anointing. Laban came to realize this and wanted Jacob to stay due to that. This became leverage for Jacob. He wasn’t able to leave as he wanted to, but Laban opened the door for Jacob to negotiate ways to increase his wealth while he was in his current position. Jacob trusted God and used the power of visualization.

Visualizing Paves The Way For Reality

Jacob put things in place so that he could SEE the dream. The power of imagination is better than education. In Jacob’s case, it was likely that having an education would have said that the endeavor to increase the spotted flocks wasn’t possible. But with God all things are possible.

Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see. (Hebrews 11:1)

Key Ingredients: Willingness And Imagination

In my case, I didn’t know that we’d buy the biggest bar in Missouri where a bunch of people used to get drunk. My family tree has had problems. God knew that even with a lack of education or qualifications there is a certain group of people who will hear my voice. God needed me to be willing, not qualified. God knew that as he spoke to me and then I shared in my cuh-ray-zee way that there were ingredients in my voice that would draw people in to listen. We don’t have to have all of the answers. We need to have an imagination and to be willing. Are we?

David Crank

Author David Crank

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