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If we do not have unity with God, we cannot have it with ourselves. We were meant to be in harmony with God and when we are not, our life is in disarray. If it doesn’t appear so on the outside then it reveals itself on the inside.


Intimacy means being able to see into someone and them being able to see into us. When I am preaching, you get to see into me because my heart flows out through my preaching. If I am closed off you can’t see into me. The Holy Spirit has a plan for us and when we operate according to his plan, we don’t just shell out superficial body language.

Everything About You Says Something About You

We need to be aware of our body language. If our arms are crossed and we are cold, we need to let people know that we’re just cold and that we aren’t closed off. Eighty percent of our communication is nonverbal. We need to either have an awareness of the signals we’re giving off or we need to communicate that we are open to hearing what others have to say.

U-N-I-T-YYYY! (Say It With Me Now!)

One way to bring unity to our life is through an expansion joint such as an iConnect group. This is a place to go where we can check ourselves, so we don’t wreck ourselves. If we’re rubbing the cat the wrong way, we need to turn it around. God wants to give us more.

Will You Pray With Me?

Lord, limit my pride, keep me humble. I need accountability. I need unity. Give me the courage to try an iConnect group. Thank you, God, for a church that speaks truth to me. I am hungry for the truth. I will never be so politically correct that I become useless to the master. I am open to hearing from you and I am sensitive to your voice. Amen!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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