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Sometimes we sit around talking about the good ole days. It seems like we remember them as being better than they were. Why is it so easy to forget the bad and to only remember the good? Do we want to get rid of indoor plumbing or electricity? And yet when it comes to relationships we do the same thing – except with God. It can be easy to blame the tough times on God. When we need to remember what God has done for us.

In Tough Times, We Need To Remember How God Has Helped Us In Other Situations

David reminded himself that God had helped him to kill a lion and a bear. David had to do that when the enemy was telling him, “God won’t do this for you again.” David stood firm saying, “No. God HAS done it for me and He will again!” The devil wants to convince us that this is the first time we’ve ever been through this. Don’t believe the lie.

Don’t Internalize. Give It To God And Rest

Sometimes the extroverted person explodes and the introverted person implodes. This upset can happen because people are internalizing their situation. Beware of internalizing pressure. Put the pressure on God, relinquish it. Based on Daniel’s situation in the lion’s den we are designed for pressure. He was in that lion’s den just sleeping and waiting for morning. You thought the last thing would kill you, but it didn’t, in fact it made you stronger. You’re built for this. Life isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Give it to God so you can go the distance through any situation!

David Crank

Author David Crank

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