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Why Are Night Clubs Dark?

If it’s dark, it’s not God. If it’s in you and it’s dark, it’s not God. The darkness leaves when God enters. Think about it. The darkness hides things, the light reveals them. That’s why night clubs are dark and why they are most active in the hours of darkness. People are more willing to embrace dark things – in the dark – where they can hide. But God see’s everything, we’re not fooling Him.

God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. (1 John 1:5)

Everyone Turns On The Light Before Going Down To The Basement

There are times that I’ll hear something down in the basement and then go down to investigate. Of course, I turn the light on before going down the stairs. Why? Because there might be “something” down there! Right? So I go down, check things out, and then come back up as if it’s all ok. But I run those last three steps and shut that door as if an invisible monster is locked on the other side of it because we know that measly door is going to hold back the boogeyman!

Well, the devil is just a boogeyman trying to scare you and I’m here to turn on the light and say, “You be bold all the way back up those stairs.”

Say It With Me:

I’m not going back down to the lack.
I’m not going back down into the depression.
I’m not going back down into that low level thinking.

You Have Authority, I Encourage You To Use It With Boldness!

Just because our family had it doesn’t mean we have to have it. The cancer, the divorce, the bankruptcy, the unhappiness. I want all of that to be taken off the list. Don’t call me, I’ll call you. Thank you and have a nice day.

When you have light you have authority and when you have authority you have boldness. When you have authority and boldness the devil says “Forget it they go to Faith Church.” Are you using your authority today?

David Crank

Author David Crank

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