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We Can’t See It, But We Can Feel It And It's Effects. What Is It?

The wind is a powerful thing. We see the leaves rustle, we feel our hair move, and we know something is happening. Yet we cannot see it, catch it or contain it. When we walk in the spirit the “wind” starts blowing and stuff starts happening. We need to stop allowing the flesh to do what it wants to do and let the spirit have control. When we woke up we didn’t know which way the wind was going to blow today. Expect the wind to blow EVERYDAY because God is moving!

We Become What We Focus On

In John 3:1-21, the Bible says, flesh gives birth to flesh and Spirit gives birth to spirit.

We become what we focus on. As a man thinks so is he. (Proverbs 23:7) So when we spend time with God we become more like Him. But when we push God to the side, our flesh takes the lead. Flesh produces flesh. We eat anything we want and we get fleshier. HA! We decide if you slap me I’ll slap you, but if the Holy Ghost tells us not to, we need to obey.

Did You Know That You’re Mentioned In The Bible?

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. (John 3:8) You see, there you are in the bible. The “everyone” is US, you and me. The Spirit blows to and fro to wash over our lives, our days, and our outcomes.

Celebrate The Small Victories

We need to stop beating ourselves up about what we’re doing wrong. Instead of doing that, we need to celebrate how we’ve improved. While the spirit is moving us, we need to walk in the light that we do have. If we know we are supposed to do something, we should do it. If you know you’re not supposed to get into bed with that woman who is not your wife. Don’t! If you know that you’re supposed to go back to that person and tell them you lied. Do it! It’s the quickest way to stop lying. The problem is that lying separates us from God because we feel bad about what we did.

Our Spirit Spends Time With God, Our Flesh Does Not

When we receive Jesus, we are born of the Spirit. Our spirit is what has fellowship with God, it doesn’t check with our flesh. Yet we’ll spend time with God and then feel guilty because we think he is judging us by the flesh, but he’s not, it’s by the spirit. So that’s why our actions can be wrong but our heart can be right. So realize that God is looking at your heart today and not your messed up behavior. Once He heals you on the inside, the outside will start falling into place. Don’t be in a hurry, God’s not.

David Crank

Author David Crank

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