I don’t want anybody in my house getting the credit…but ME! (I know it’s hard to believe!) But, I want the credit for EVERYTHING because I’m a guy and that’s my deal! Even if Nicole buys Ashtyn a gift and I don’t know about it, I still want SOME of…
I don’t want anybody in my house getting the credit…but ME! (I know it’s hard to believe!) But, I want the credit for EVERYTHING because I’m a guy and that’s my deal! Even if Nicole buys Ashtyn a gift and I don’t know about it, I still want SOME of…
Before we got married, Nicole sat me down for a serious talk about money. When I found out how much money she made… I could hear Olivia Newton-John singing, “I love you, I honestly love you!” But, Nicole had been a single mom and she was really smart about money….
One time, I almost died while riding a quarter horse. I fell off and got my foot caught in the stirrup. Next thing I knew, that little plastic Walmart horse was dragging me! Thank God, for Nicole! She saw me and ran over and unplugged it! She could’ve left me…
This will probably sound weird to you, but Nicole likes it when I get my eyelashes dyed. My television crew really likes it, too, because my eyelashes are so naturally blonde that they’re really hard to see on camera. So, to please everyone, I sit in a chair while they…
When I met Nicole, I had just been through a painful divorce. Divorce is horrible! It feels like getting your heart RIPPED OUT of your chest! I thought that getting remarried would put me BACK in the position to get it ripped out, again. So, for the first year of…
I’ve always been really LOYAL. I want everybody to come along with me. But, not everyone is CALLED to go where we’re going! There may be people with us, right now, who are actually HOLDING us back! In fact, I was kinda surprised by who wasn’t going. I loved Bubba…
One summer night, back when Nicole and I were dating, I took her for a drive in my 1974 Corvette. I looked at this AMAZING woman and I knew that I loved her with ALL MY HEART! But just knowing it, myself, wasn’t good enough. I had to take the…
One time, I was in the grocery store and somebody hit me in the back of the heel with a shopping cart. (Oh MAN! It hurt like CRAZY!!!) They said, “Oh, I’m sorry!” And I responded, “Oh, that’s alright.” The truth is, I probably wouldn’t have been SO NICE if…
One morning, Nicole asked me to have coffee on the back deck with her. I’m thinking, “What? It’s 40 degrees outside!” But, she walked by me with that little walk of hers and I was persuaded. Love will keep us warm! So we sat outside cuddling under a blanket, having…
Back before we were pastors, Nicole and I were fixing up this house out in the country. I found this expensive $1500 kitchen stove for sale for just $500. We loaded it in the back of in my white Ford truck and tied it down so it was safe. I…
Good times or bad, they just adapt to their surroundings and make the best of it. They stay in place long enough to sink their ROOTS DEEP, in order to weather the storms of life. Just like that tree, we can learn to flourish under any circumstances, if we’ll just…
When I was a little boy, I remember telling my dad that we needed socks. But, we didn’t have the money to buy any. Can you imagine that? So he prayed, “God, we don’t have money but we could really use some new socks. We believe we receive it, now, in…